Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pie in the Sky

My wish for you is for everything you desire.

From sunshine hugs and butterfly kisses...

To swirling dances and frolicking prances.

Dreams swirling with Candy Land splendor...

Overflowing with delectable sweets and luxuriant luminosity.

A life rich with summertime splendor and carefree surrender.

Winter wonderlands deluged with dreamy icicles and soft velvety snow.

Springs abundant with flavorful, succulent blossoms...

Inundated with splendid stories with friends from forever.

Falls filled to the brim with autumnal curiosity and cool breezy air...

And night time wispy tendrils of shimmery cascading stars.

My wish for you is that your life’s cup runneth over…

May your pie in the sky be full of flight and fancy.

Jessica Breneman – 7/22/09