Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pie in the Sky

My wish for you is for everything you desire.

From sunshine hugs and butterfly kisses...

To swirling dances and frolicking prances.

Dreams swirling with Candy Land splendor...

Overflowing with delectable sweets and luxuriant luminosity.

A life rich with summertime splendor and carefree surrender.

Winter wonderlands deluged with dreamy icicles and soft velvety snow.

Springs abundant with flavorful, succulent blossoms...

Inundated with splendid stories with friends from forever.

Falls filled to the brim with autumnal curiosity and cool breezy air...

And night time wispy tendrils of shimmery cascading stars.

My wish for you is that your life’s cup runneth over…

May your pie in the sky be full of flight and fancy.

Jessica Breneman – 7/22/09

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Melodic Shriek

The piano is drinking at an allegretto pace
So full of its melancholy notes.
Filled to the brim with a dark melodic drone.
Unable to tune in to a savory, succulent beat
It gives in and takes another tall drink of notes
Belching an out of tune fortissimo key
Only to become more solemn and flat.
Taking another swig to drown out the horrible sound,
The piano becomes drunk and reeks of shrieks and groans.

Jessica Kish - 8/29/02

Friday, April 3, 2009

Child Within

Someone sad is knocking at my door.

Someone sad whose just a little girl.

Someone sad doesn’t know how to be mad.

Someone sad who feels she has been bad.

Someone sad just needs a little love.

Someone sad just give her a little shove.

Someone sad whose just a little girl.

Someone sad who just wants a hug.

Someone sad a cute little bug.

Someone sad who just wants to play.

Someone sad who wants to be okay.

Someone sad who deserves to be happy if only for a day.

3/31/09 – Jessica Breneman

Monday, March 30, 2009

Dry Hunger





Running rampantly on the ground.

Scattering in every direction.

No purpose.

No goal.

Only steadily




to the ground.

Whetting the soil's appetite

to end its raving,



dry hunger.

Jessica Kish - 12/3/90

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Drifting Along

As I feel the creak of my sanity in my weary bones

I feel listless, lethargic and languid

I hunger for what little I can hold onto

Or of what little remains of my being

I can almost touch reality; or is that a fallacy?

Are we made to believe we are part of the norm?

I struggle with these aimless, inane thoughts

As I tread water barely keeping afloat

Am I drowning in self-pity or just drifting along?

Or am I just as thoroughly confused as the rest.

Jessica Kish - 1/22/97

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Haiku for Summer

Green eyes, sun-kissed hair
Sassy, stylish, full of flair
Lil’ ray of sunshine

Monday, March 9, 2009

Outside In

You were always there, just masked beneath the surface
Once reawakened, the feelings I thought forgotten reemerged.
On the verge of falling...for what once could have been.
Can it be again?
Traces of smooth caresses over bare, warm skin,
Fire is ignited and explodes from within.
Is this thrusting ahead or going in circles
To only go back to where you begin?
Or, just the beginning of the seed once planted
That has now grown to display and reveal its true splendor,
Disclosing its delicate, velvety petals; exposing its inside.
You can see it is not afraid to be vulnerable
Because it shines and radiates from the outside in.

Jessica Kish - 3/14/00